In every service we provide an opportunity for you to give financially. This is an incredibly powerful act of worship, outworked in response to the grace of God.
For your regular tithes and offerings please use this account:
Name: C3 Church Edinburgh
Account Number: 13812963
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Reference: Please use your surname for Gift Aid purposes or write ‘tithe and offering’.
For all ‘First Seed’ Building Fund gifts please use this account:
Name: C3 Church Edinburgh (First Seed)
Account Number: 18068063
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Reference: Please use your surname for Gift Aid purposes and write ‘first seed’.
Gift Aid is a Government Scheme that increases the value of your giving to C3 Church by allowing us to reclaim the basic rate tax on your gift.
Donating through the Gift Aid scheme means a charity like C3 Church Edinburgh can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra.
Registering for Gift Aid
If you would like to use Gift Aid, you can do this by filling in a Gift Aid Declaration. This means you are allowing C3 Church to claim Gift Aid on your donations. You can find this declaration on the back of the Giving Envelope on your seat in Church. Just grab a pen, fill in all the details, sign it and put it into the offering. We will then send you an e-mail confirming the details.
If your situation changes
Unless you tell us otherwise, we’ll keep on claiming Gift Aid on your giving. So if your income no longer qualifies for Gift Aid, please contact the Note that HMRC holds the giver responsible for the gifts that are claimed on his behalf.
More information
To find out more information about Gift Aid visit or email the church office at